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Dry Skin - Finding The Solution That Works For You

Dry Skin - Finding The Solution That Works For You

Having dry skin is not fun, but it's not something that you have to live with. 

Dry skin can occur for many reasons at any age. It is a common condition that causes flakes and dry spots on the skin which can be itchy.

Sometimes people with dry skin need the help of a dermatologist to treat extremely dry skin.

Dry skin gets worse in the winter and in dry climates. It can cause the skin to get more sensitive and symptoms of extreme dryness with red rashes on the skin surface may appear.  itchy and uncomfortable moments for the person.

Extremely dry skin usually causes cracks and dry, itchy patches.  Moisturizers or lotions that are specifically designed for dry skin can help stop itchiness since they deeply moisturize the skin.  People with dry skin should carry moisturizers everywhere with them.

aving dry skin is not fun, but it's not something that you have to live with. 

Dry skin can be a temporary condition, but if you don't treat your skin properly, this temporary condition can become a long-term problem. So it is important to take this condition seriously and treat your dry skin while it is a short term condition.

Simple deterring and treatment can be very effective to treat the dry skin condition. People with dry skin can prevent this condition from getting worse by stopping use of harsh soaps and cleaners that contain chemicals.  Using moisturizers that are made with natural and plant-based ingredients will be very helpful to effectively treat this condition.

Sometimes basic home remedies can help to hasten the treatment process.

Although there are many remedies out there, and some work, it doesn't mean that every remedy will work for you. This means you may need to do a little testing on an area before you find that the remedy works, but it will be worth it if it means you can say goodbye to dry skin.

Just as every person is different, every remedy will have a slightly different effect on your skin. For example, some remedies may call for a bit of citrus juice, but those with extremely sensitive skin may not be able to tolerate them. For that reason, it's a good idea to test any remedy on a small scale basis before you use it on a larger area of your body.

NOTE: You should always consult with your dermatologist or other qualified skin care professional about any skin care concerns you may have.

One of my favorite natural remedy for dry skin is an oatmeal mask. This humble grain is loaded with health benefits, and treating dry skin is one of them. Pour 1/3 cup oatmeal with ½ cup hot (not boiling) water. After two or three minutes, if the oatmeal has settled, add two teaspoons honey along with two teaspoons of yogurt, two spoons of olive oil and one teaspoon coconut oil.

Then take a small amount and pat it over your face, on your hands and other dry area avoiding the area under the eyes. Wait for 15 to 20 min, let your skin absorb all the amazing nutritious and benefits of this mixture. Then wash it off with warm water (not hot). Apply moisturizer after dry patting your skin.

Oatmeal works so well because it has humectant properties. That means it not only moisturizes the skin, but it also works to trap the moisture that's already there. On top of its humectant properties, oatmeal also works as a gentle exfoliant, making it ideal for washing your face.

Do not use a vigorous massaging motion, but rather a gentle rub to help get rid of dead skin cells. As I said earlier, it is best to avoid the use of harsh soaps on your skin.  Instead, use an oil-based cleaner on your skin. If you want to continue using soap, use one with a higher fat content since it tends to be softer and doesn't dry out the skin.

Staying hydrated on the inside is just as important as moisturizing on the outside. Drink plenty of water to make sure your skin is getting the full amount it needs.

How much you need to drink will vary, but you should try to drink before you get thirsty. If drinking water isn't enough help, then using a room humidifier will add humidity to the air and help your skin feel better.

You can choose any remedy for dry skin that you like, and what I’ve written about is only a small sample of what's available. Remember, the more choices you have, the more likely you are to find a solution that gives you moist and better-looking skin.

What am I missing here? Let me know in the comments and I'll add them in!

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